Brownies / May 15th, 2024

Peer Education

We often hear from leaders about the pressures on the girls in their care – be it mental wellbeing, gender stereotypes and even safety.

Brownie, Guide and Ranger units could think about inviting a Peer Educator to run a fun unit meeting, nothing to plan yourself – you just arrange for a Peer Educator to come.

The Peer Educator will come prepared with any resources they need, although they may ask to use anything you may already have at your unit meeting. Peer Educators are covered for the cost of any resources for your session, so there is no additional cost to your unit.

Peer educators are 14-to-25-year-olds who help Brownies, Guides and Rangers explore important topics, like self-esteem, safety and gender stereotypes.

It’s a girl-led programme that’s proven to work because girls want to listen to their peers. Peer educators are trained to run the fun, safe and challenging sessions in units.

Peer educators currently run three different sessions:

There are even badges that leaders can buy from HQ! (Who doesn’t love a badge?)

If you are interested in finding out more, arranging a session for your meeting or you are a young person interested in training to be a Peer Educator please email Eloise on

If you are interested in becoming a peer educator there is regular training ruin across the country, either keep an eye on the Anglia website or email Eloise to find out more.